Fidget to Focus

Outwit Your Boredom: Sensory Strategies for Living with ADD

Contact Us

You can contact us directly through these addresses and phone numbers. In order to avoid unwanted email, we’ve used some obvious substitutions. Just make the appropriate changes (@ for [at] and . for [dot]), and let us hear from you!

Roland Rotz, Ph.D.
Lifespan Development
957 Maple Ave.
Carpinteria, CA 93013
V: (805) 566-0441
E: roland [at] fidgettofocus [dot] com

Sarah D. Wright, M.S., A.C.T.
Coaching and Consulting
P.O. Box 230331
Encinitas, CA 92023
V: (760) 436-8766
E: sarah [at] fidgettofocus [dot] com

1 comment

1 Comment so far

  1. Hannah Goodfield June 21st, 2010 7:21 pm

    Hi Dr. Rotz!

    It is very exciting that your practice is here, in Carpinteria! I am looking forward to meeting you and discussing a few things. I read your book year’s ago-it’s fantastic! I passed it on to my mother, who is an elementary school Principal. She has all of her teachers read it.

    This is my concern…
    What about Pregnancy and Adderall? Clearly it’s not advised to take any medication during pregnancy, but how would one get off the medication and still maintain a daily, functioning, productive life? My husband & I both have our own businesses and we are always on the go. (Like everyone else of course)
    I’m not expecting yet, but I have concerns on how to tapper down or quit taking my medication before I get pregnant. What do you suggest? I’ve been taking 20mg daily (sometimes 2x daily) for almost 13yrs now. When I forget to take my meds for 1 day-I feel so low, cloudy, slow, all around icky, forgetful, randomly impulsive, and really really on cloud 9; like “la, la, la, la, la…..” and then I look at the clock and hours of wasted time have gone by and I have totally gotten off track. It is very discouraging.
    I understand and fully expect to do what’s right for the future baby; I’m just really nervous about the process for myself. Hormones + getting off a long term mind altering medication= nervous mother to be.
    I’ve looked online for answers regarding this topic, but mostly I’ve only found Blogs, no real info.
    Thanks for reading this. Looking forward to meeting with you.

    Hannah Goodfield

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